Tired Tuesday
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
We've completed day two of Vacation Bible School. I am helping in the Pre-school department and they are doing the Fiesta Theme. It's been fun, but VBS week always wipes me out! D is having a blast of course.

My college roommate, who lives in Arkansas, was in town last night and stayed overnight. We had several hours to visit, but it's never enough time. It is so hard to keep closely connected to old friends once we marry and start having kids. Of course she got started with her family 7 years earlier than I did, so she's got one going into Jr. High while I'm still waiting on my baby. It's funny, though, how even after so many years of "not so close" contact, we can always just fall right back into that easy relationship. Those are the real, true friends.

I'm antsy this week, knowing that our paperwork is being submitted one day this week to the judge/court to plea for our courtdate. People across the country are praying for V with an extra measure this week. We are beyond ready to bring her home.

I try not to be pesky with our agency and casemanager. At this point, we are just hoping and grasping for any little piece of information that points toward our court date.

I don't have a whole lot to report but just wanted to come look at my pretty blog again :o)

Till later . . .
Blogger Elle said...
Dang it, a graphic isn't working! hmm... I'll have to fix that when I get home.

Blogger Suz said...
I'm not worried, Elle. I haven't had much time to mess with it with VBS going on.

Blogger Deb said...
Glad VBS is going well. I wish I was able to help out at our church but it's so hard to take off work. Oh I can't wiat till I can be a SAHM.
Thanks for the verse. It brought tears to m eyes. It's perfect.

Blogger 6blessings said...
Suz, I love the blog! It's perfect. Good luck the rest of the week at VBS. It sure does wear a body out! Also, I'm hoping you hear news on a court date quickly.

Blogger sandy said...
I love your new blog design! Great job, Elle. I'm going to have do something with mine, but I'm so indecisive about that sort of thing. It's neat how the contents of the window scroll while the background is fixed. (Hope that's not the glitch Elle was talking about. =)

I hope V gets to come home soon!

Blogger Jennefer said...
I love seeing old friends. It is nice how easily you can fall back into your same relationship.

I hope all goes well with your plea for a courtdate. Hope you hear something soon!

Blogger Elle said...
not a glitch... did that one on purpose ;)

Blogger Rhonda said...
I'll be praying for a quick court date! Your blog looks awesome!

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