Monday Musings
Monday, June 05, 2006
There hasn't been much news on the adoption front. I got a call last Thursday from our Casemanager and he was very encouraging to us that" yes, it will happen eventually", but he didn't have any news to share - just checking in.

We stayed really busy last week with our nephews and the time just flew! They usually get to stay at least a couple of weeks each summer, but as they get older, they have school things and work etc. that keeps them busier at home. They'll get to come back later in the summer for a week or two. Hopefully V will be home by then so they can get to know her!

D had her ballet recital yesterday, she did so great! I was so proud of her! She is in the next to youngest class and they were so sweet! They danced to the music of Barney :o). She got her "Year 2" trophy and is so proud of it!

D starts swimming lesson this week (we need to leave in 40 minutes). This is her second summer of lessons.

Next week is Vacation Bible School so we'll be super busy that week since hubby is the Pastor of Education at our church and is in charge of VBS.

So, yes, we're keeping busy which helps a bit!

When I talked to our Casemanager last week, I told him that I feel almost numb at this point. If it weren't for all the pictures of V I have around the house, it would almost not even feel real! We actually only spent about 7 hours total with her. So that wasn't nearly long enough to hold me!

I feel like wearing a sandwich board to church every Sunday "No, we haven't heard anything, but thanks for asking!" Of course if people didn't ask, I'd have my feelings hurt too!

Ok, off to apply the sunscreen to my porcelain skinned Russian beauty!

Till later . . .
Blogger Jennefer said...
Sounds like D has been keeping busy. I can't wait to have a girl and put her in girl activities such as ballet.

I am sorry that there is no news on the adoption front. Our agency said no news to us too. I wonder if the agencies don't have any idea when the news is going to come before it comes.

I think I need that sandwich board too!

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