It's been a while!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I thought I'd pop in and say hi. Not much has been happening on the adoption front. We had to do another couple of papers last Friday and sent them to Austin. They should be on their way to Dallas now and HOPEFULLY all this stuff can be on its way to Moscow!

Today was my 3rd "goal day" to get the call. And it didn't happen. I don't know if I have the heart to set another goal day. I had hoped maybe we could be over there on Father's Day, since we missed Mother's Day, but now even that is looking impossible.

We've had a house full since last Saturday. Our three nephews came to visit. They are 20, 17 and 11. The 20 yr old only got to stay one night and then had to be back home to go to work today. The other two are staying a week, so we've been keeping busy.

Hopefully soon I'll have some wonderful adoption news. It's great to read about the families who are traveling or have received good news!!

Till later . . .
Blogger 6blessings said...
Have fun with the nephews. Maybe it will keep your mind off the wait a little. Our call(email) came when I wasn't expecting it and it was such a shock. We missed several goals too. The last one I set so far out that I was elated when it came ahead of time. I hope it comes soon for you.

Blogger Jennefer said...
How fun about the pool. My kids would love that. Sorry about missing your 3rd goal day. I hope you hear news very soon. I have set a goal day too- June 24th for a referral. Please don't let it go over. It is like passing your due date.

Blogger U.N. Mama said...
Suz: Praying for ya'll! Completely understand how you're feeling, especially with C's adoption. So, just know we love ya'll and are praying!

Blogger Rhonda said...
Oh I set so many goal dates for our referral,and I never thought it would happen. I sympathize completely. I hope it happens soon! Waiting is no fun.

Blogger Julie said...
Preevet! I really like your blog! My son was adopted from Russia 4 years ago - from Kemerovo baby house 1. Best wishes to you on completing your adoption.

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