OUCH! Dumb dumb!
Monday, June 05, 2006
I'm hobbling. Ok, this is what happened. Remember I was on here blogging this morning and we had 40 minutes to get D to her first day of swimming lessons? Well, all my pants were very wrinkly, so I grabbed a pair and headed to the laundry room to iron them VERY quickly. We have a ironing board/iron hanger contraption hanging about 6 feet up on the wall of the laundry room. I grabbed the board down to set it up and when I did it took hold of the iron and pulled it down - right on top of my right foot! It was the big, wide, sharp part of the iron that whacked my foot. It hurt SOOOOO bad, but all I could keep saying was "oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy" I never say Oh Boy! Where did that come from? I was kind of in shock and thinking, "OK, I've broken my foot and D has to be at the pool in 5 minutes!!" Luckily we only live about 3 blocks from the pool. I hopped to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of frozen blueberries and put them on it for a few seconds. Then I grabbed a knit capri set out of the dryer and it was not quite dry, but we had to get going! Surprisingly, my foot really didn't hurt too badly.

We got home from swimming lessons and all of a sudden a HUGE thunderstorm came rolling in. It was a flash flood, out of nowhere. It lasted about three hours, and in the last hour our electricity went off. I needed to go to the library and grocery store, but my car was stuck in the garage with no electricity to open the door. Finally around 3 p.m. the electricity came back on and we headed to run our errands. After walking around the library and into the grocery store my foot really started hurting and every step I took it would crack. So after the errands I came back and put my foot up on the recliner with a big pillow under it. It looks like I'd better call the doctor in the morning to see if it really is broken.

NOW WATCH! They'll call with our court date!

Till later . . .
Blogger Maggie said...
Ouch. Calling the doctor is a good idea. I'm cringing just thinking of an iron landing a foot.

Blogger 6blessings said...
It sure sounds like it hurts. Cracking noises aren't good. I hope it isn't broken.

Blogger Deb said...
That really sounds awful but your story telling is so fun. Hope it is not broken.

Blogger Jennefer said...
Sorry about that! That has got to hurt!

Blogger Elle said...
Oh ouch! You are sure to get your court date now.

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