No News is . . . No News
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Well, I've heard it said, "No news is good news." Lately for us, though, our friends have been saying, "No news must be bad news." But today the word was just, "No news is no news."

After a good cry followed by a pounding headache, I picked myself up and dusted myself off and went back to life as we know it.

For now, I have put away any adoption related reading material and will go to the library tomorrow and check something out that has nothing to do with child-rearing, Russia or adoption. Of course, I have spent a good amount of time this evening reading the good news so many China Adopters received in the last couple of days (see Salsa in China blog at right). Does that count?

We are planning a little get-away for a couple of days. Hubby's day off is Friday (since he works all day on Sunday) so after he gets home tomorrow night, we're going to drive just a ways and stay in a hotel, swim, eat "fun food", take D bowling and just "get away." We'll come back home Saturday afternoon and get everything ready for Sunday.

That's all for now.
Blogger Deb said...
Sounds like a great idea to just get away. Enjoy your time alone.

Blogger Jenni said...
Giving yourself a mental break is an EXCELLENT idea! We all need that now and again, and I hope you come out of your weekend feeling recharged.

Blogger Brian & Rebeca said...
I just wanted to cry with you ... and then, I just read your post before this one and then the verse you chose there just spoke to me in a different way.
God's Love is perfect! perfect love comes from Him ... He loves you perfectly!!! I pray that you will be secure in His love!!! His love for you, His love for your baby girl and His love for all of your family.

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