Still Singin' the Blues
Monday, June 19, 2006
Yesterday baby V turned 17 months old. She was 12 months when we first learned about her, and 13 months when we met her.

We are into our 15th week home, awaiting news of our courtdate. I know others have had it harder, but when it's you it's really hard.

I'm ready to pack my bags and go to her. I'm about ready to start swimming. Maybe Fed-ex has a really big box.

Not the good news Monday I had hoped for.

till later . . .
Blogger Jennefer said...
Sorry for all of the bad news you have had lately. I feel like my situation is hard, but I can imagine that it must be quite a bit harder to have met your child and know she is getting older without you. I have never heard of this in person submission of documents. What is up with that?

Well, I hope D is feeling better and you start hearing some good news soon!

Blogger 6blessings said...
Hey, don't go FedEx. Find another way. Our paperwork that was supposed to get there last Friday, that we paid $136 to get there in time, is stuck in customs in Moscow. I just talked to a FedEx rep who told me Russia is doing a customs check on 100% of everything that comes in to the country. Needless to say, there is a massive backup. You might be safer to go the normal way, although I understand the sentiment! :-)

Blogger Maggie said...
It's amazing how different things can be region to region. I hope this all irons out for you.

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