Happy Father's Day Daddy....blecchkksh
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Yes, D is still in the throes of the tummy trouble. When she woke up bright (well actually it was still dark) and early we thought maybe she would be able to go to church. But right after hubby left (he has to be there at 7:30 to prepare for the early service) she was throwing up. Poor D & Daddy, not fun for Father's day.

D is sad because the children are going to sing in "big church" this morning, one of the songs they learned in VBS. It is D's favorite one out of all of them and she's going to miss it.

So, we're home this rainy, stormy, Father's Day morning. I hope this thing is just a short 24 hour kind of thing. It's eerily quiet around here with D just laying in her bed watching Pooh and Piglet on her little TV.

I guess I could do some laundry....hmmm.

Ok, off to go check on D again. Happy Father's Day to all of you Dads and Dads-in-waiting!

Till later...
Blogger 6blessings said...
Hope she feels better soon. Stomach viruses are yucky business!!

Blogger sandy said...
I hope D feels better soon! And I hope you get some rest too, between the cleanups and the laundry.

Blogger Deb said...
So sorry D had a bad weekend and had to miss the singing in church. Hope she is feeling better today.

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