D's Dental Surgery
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Yesterday D had her dental surgery to repair the two teeth that she chipped in the monkey bar incident a few weeks ago.

**A "before" shot of her chipped teeth and gap where the (primary) one was knocked out and is now missing**

She did really well. They only used the Happy Gas and numbing shots. She was so brave, she just laid right down on the table and they explained everything to her as they did things (until she was too woozy to care). They put the gas on her nose, then some earphones with High School Musical playing. First they matched the color of the teeth and fixed them. Then they began the procedure. It took about 25 minutes.

She also needed a Frenulectomy. The frenulum which is that little flappy thing that attaches her upper lip to her gum was too thick and too low. It was interfering with the progress of her two front teeth coming down and together correctly. This was done by using a laser. I couldn't watch during that part. Hubby and I were both in the room with her the whole time. We were on our way home in about 45 minutes total. She has done so well. She said last night that it stung a little bit, and her lip was swollen some. This morning she said it didn't hurt one bit. Her lip was a little more swollen when she woke up, but it's down now. She said it hasn't stung any more all day. We have some antibiotic mouth wash she has to use for 3 days and she has to eat only soft foods until tomorrow. Other than that, it's not been bad at all.

Yesterday afternoon she looked like Goldie Hawn in First Wive's Club after she had her lip collagen injections. It was funny. I tried to take a picture with the puffy lips, but I don't know if it comes across as well as it did in real life.

The teeth look pretty good from what we can see, with the swollen lip, she can't get it up very high for us to look around. She is happy about how smooth they are, poor baby has had sharp front teeth for nearly 3 weeks.

Blogger Melissa said...
I am glad she if feeling better. A lot of kids who are born here do not tell the teacher when things happen.I cant tell you how many times a parent has notified me a day later or many days later of incidents. Some kids are just built that way.

Blogger Mrs. Broccoli Guy said...
What a brave girl. I'm glad it went well. I can't believe you took pics! But then, I hid in the waiting room when Zeeb had dental surgery. :-}

Blogger Chris Goeppner said...
What a beautiful girl! She's a brave patient. I would rather break an arm than go to the dentist!=) I'm glad everything went well.

Blogger 6blessings said...
Sounds like quite a procedure. She looks so cute, yet pathetic in the last picture. She really is a doll. Hope everything is back to normal soon.

Blogger Allison said...
Poor girl. Glad everything went well and she's on the mend. She's a cutie.

Blogger Chelley said...
beautiful eveb if she is a little sore and sorry....

You must be so very proud of how D handle it!!!!

Super Job!! D did better than what I would have done!!!

Blogger Deb said...
Glad it went well. She is such a brave little girl.
Hope she recovers quickly and is back to normal.

Blogger mommyto5 said...
So glad d's surgery went well what a big girl she is and so adorable:)

Blogger Suz said...
Cristina, I just turned off the flash and hoped for the best. They never even knew I took the picture :o)

Blogger Denise :o) said...
Poor D. Sounds like she did very well at the Dentist though. I hate "going under" at the dentist!!!

Blogger Calico Sky said...
What a brave little girl you have! Sounds like she did better than most adults!!!!!

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