Thursday, January 18, 2007
A little over a week ago, the postman delivered a big box to my door. I wondered what on earth that could be, I knew I hadn't ordered anything.

I brought it in and saw Debbie's name in the return address space.

It was a birthday gift for V. A very special gift made from Debbie's heart and by her hands. It must have taken many hours to make and I know that during that time, Debbie thought and prayed for V. That is almost more special than the gift itself!

Debbie made a soft quilt in shades of purple for V. On one side it is many squares of multi-colored purple cloth and on the other side it is soft, soft flannel. Also included in the box was a 7x7 purple Creative Memories photo album and an extra set of pages and the page protectors for all of it! That is a huge gift in itself!

When I was looking over the quilt, I had a little "scene" play in my mind. It was just a flash, but I pictured V holding her special quilt and asking me, "Mommy, who is the lady who made this quilt for me?" and I answered her, "You know, *******'s mama."

You see, V and Debbie's child will know each other because we use the same agency and we will see each other through the years at various activities. But more than that, Debbie has become a special friend and it will be wonderful when both of our children are home and they can become special friends as well!

Thank you sweet friend!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm in tears, Thank you.
I can't wait to see V holding her blanket and to have those pages filled with her smiling face. And of course I can't wait for the day that our kids will be able to play together.
Happy Birthday Baby V! We're praying you home as fast as we can.

Blogger Susan said...
Absolutely beautiful! What a wonderful surprise.

Blogger 6blessings said...
It is lovely. Debbie, you're an awesome friend!!! I know she appreciates everything so much.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh my goodness, what an incredible gift. Isn't it a blessing how adoption can bring such amazing friends into our lives?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's just beautiful--the quilt, the post and the friend who made it.

Blogger Melissa said...
that was a very sweet thing to do.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh Suz, my prayers are with you today and every day until little V is home with you. The quilt is absolutely beautiful - a treasure for both of you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What a sweet and precious gift. You are so blessed to have such a loving and thoughtful friend. We are all blessed to know Debbie, even in the smallest way through blogging.;)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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