I've been having mixed feelings about this old year 2006/new year 2007 thing.In one way, we had lots of good stuff happen in 2006 and in another way I'm ready to see 2007 get itself on in here and get this party started. Let's recountGOOD STUFF - - It was just February 9 of baby new year 2006 when we received the news that we had been matched with V.
- We met our sweet baby girl on March 6 and had a great trip to Russia with D as she returned to the city of her birth and met her baby sister-to-be.
- D started school and got all grown up - learning to read, loosing teeth, etc.
- We returned to visit V in October and she was doing great.
- We had a good(although somewhat bittersweet) Christmas (since V should have been here with us.)
- D had her eye surgery and is doing great and now her little eye will be straighter.
- I have a loving husband and loving daughter right here, right now.
- We have a cozy little home in Mayberry, USA
- My Aunt J passed away, she was my "other mother."
- V is still not home.
So come on 2007, we're ready and waiting.
Here's praying that the year ahead will bring thousands of children out of orphanages and into loving homes and that V will be among the first!
Happy New Year to you and your lovely family!!!