An Orphan's Prayer
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I am waiting…somewhere far…far…away on the other side of the world.

I may not know who you are or what you look like,
But some how deep in my heart I know you are out there.
That one day you will come and find me.
It’s a long journey, and it takes a lot of time…I wish it could be easier.
But I know that the ones who come for me will not count the cost.
They will only see the joy of finding me.
For now I abide in the fields of the fatherless.
Day by day wondering why I was born here and not somewhere else?
Asking…why my life couldn’t have been different?
It is so lonely…
Even though I am surrounded by hundreds of other children,
I know that something is missing…
I know in my heart that I need aplace to call home.
My arms long to be wrapped in a father’s embrace…
I long to be soothed by a mother’s love…
Gazing out of the orphanage window, I offer a prayer of hope,
“Oh God please help them come quickly.”
Even as I lay in the darkness each night somehow I feel assured,
That no matter how lost I appear I am not alone.
Holy hands guard my steps, sacred fingers wipe my tears, touching mylonely heart.
The one who made me, The God that knew me before I was born,
Hears me every time I call.He whispers His promises in my ear.
I listen with hope to His voice.
But what I worry about most is that no one wants to look for me.
The fields are vast and there are so many scattered all over the earth.
I wonder how one little child, so lost, can be found?
Yet He calms my heart and assures me that He will find you.
That He will make sure that you hear His voice clearly.
He has promised me that He will make a way through the fields,
That He will personally cut a path, and lead you right to myorphanage door.
My prayer is…When He speaks…Please don’t forget to listen…
When He calls don’t be too afraid to go
For I am waiting….somewhere, far…far…away
On the other side of the world
To come Home
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh that brings tears to my eyes. It makes me think of the little 4-year old I had as a referral after I lost Peanut. I had to say no, but it broke my heart. I've heard that there's an airport not too far from her orphanage. Everytime she hears a plane go overhead she says "there goes my Mama." Obviously someone told her her mother would come on a plane and get her one day. I hated that it couldn't be me.

Blogger Suz said...
Margaret, I sure didn't want it to make anyone feel bad!

I waffled whether or not to post it, because I don't want it to sound like, "Oh wonderful US we're going to save a child" That mindset irks me.

But I was thinking of someone who is sitting on the fence wondering "should I or shouldn't I"

I say should!

Blogger Melissa said...
where did you find that?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm so glad you did. It brings tears to my eyes as well. Not because I think we are saving a child but because I can imagine my child having those thoughts and it is so true that God is taking care of him and we will come if he can just hold on.

Blogger Suz said...
Melissa, I found it on this blog/website they have lots of poems listed.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love it too! I didn't get teary until the very last line. I know how much I want our daughter home - I wish she could know that she wants to be here.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That is a precious poem...

Suz, I'm not sure how I did not realize this - but I read your comment on Jenny's blog. You have been waiting for a court date for 10 months now?!? Wow. I just knew that you'd been waiting a while, I don't think it had hit me that it was THAT long.

Bless your heart. Here's to hoping accreditation happens for ALL of us!!! (hugs to you!)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
oh it is so very very sad. Thank you for the reminder,thank you!

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