A new red passport
Monday, November 06, 2006
D's Russian passport from when she came home as a baby has expired. So, we have had to apply for her new updated, "big girl" red passport.

When we went to get her passport photo made last week, the consumate professional (said with a smirk) at CVS Pharmacy said she had to remove her glasses and could not smile. Mind you she is smiling like a Cheshire cat and seeing quite clearly in her US Passport photo ???

So, what we ended up with is quite the same photo we got when she was 11 months old .... just with hair and a bigger bow!!

However, Mommy didn't check the Russian Consulate site very well or I would have realized that today is a Russian Holiday called Civil Unity Day {Civil Unity Day, though being a newly adopted holiday, refers to a critical point in Russian history and honors the liberation of Moscow on November 4th, 1612 from the Polish invaders - in great manifestation of the national unity - by a people's army consisting of all classes of the Russian society.}

My lovely little Fed-Ex package tracking now says Delivery Exception which means they tried to deliver it, but the darn place was closed stupid woman! Good thing I only paid for two day delivery instead of lickety split delivery!

**edited...I removed the photo of the passport renewal pile because I got freaked out after reading Lauri's blog!
Blogger Melissa said...
She can't just use her US passport to go to Russia?

Blogger Suz said...
No, she travels into Russia and inside of Russia on her Russian passport. The consulate will not issue a visa to a Russian citizen. We use her US passport when re-entering into the US. We take allllllll her adoption paperwork with us in case there are any questions. However, everything went completely smoothly in March with not one question asked by either country.

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