Ten Thousandth Visitor! 10,000!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
I am only 42 visitors away from having my 10,000th visitor!

Keep a check on my visitor counter down on the right lower in the sidebar and let me know if it's YOU!

It should probably happen today :o)

Till later . . .
Blogger 6blessings said...
Number 9967 here. Not too far away!

Blogger Suz said...
Just 17 more!! Who will it be?!

Blogger Lisa said...
The next visitor is IT! I was 9999!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Deb said...
I was 10,006. So close.

Blogger Suz said...
Our 10,000th visitor was an early bird this morning (Monday)!!

They have privately e-mailed me, and if they give permission I'll tell you a bit about them.

How exciting!!

Blogger Yeah So said...
Oops too late...how cool!

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