A new perspective . . .
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wow, this is very eye-opening!

I received this press release from EMK Press concerning a new book entitled Adoption Parenting: Creating a Toolbox, Building Connections

Here is an exerpt and the link to read the whole article - YOU WILL BE MOVED BY IT!
The author writes:

"As I was working on Adoption Parenting: Creating a Toolbox, Building Connections, a wonderful piece that gets to the perspective of the adopted child's experience came across my desk and became the cornerstone of the first chapter, Getting Started. The mom, Cynthia Hockman Chupp, who wrote the story down did so with the help of her son's attachment therapist, Dr. Kali Miller. When I read it for the first time, I cried. Then I handed it to my husband to read. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I had no idea. I wish I had understood more when she was handed to us." he said. Me too. So for all you who are new parents or soon to be parents, this is important reading. And for the rest of us, it is always good to remember another perspective . . .

A Different Perspective
Imagine for a moment . . .

You have met the person you've dreamed about all your life. He has every quality that you desire in a spouse. You plan for the wedding, enjoying every free moment with your fiancee. you love his touch, his smell, the way he looks into your eyes. For the first time in your life, you understand what is meant by "soul mate, " for this person understands you in a way that no one else does. Your heart beats in rhythm with his. Your emotions are intimately tied to his every joy, his every sorrow.

The wedding comes. It is a happy celebration, but the best part is that you are finally the wife of this wonderful man. You fall asleep that night, exhausted from the day's events, but relaxed and joyful in the knowledge that you are next to the person who loves you more than anyone in the world . . . the person who will be with you for the rest of your life. The next morning you wake up, nestled in your partner's arms. You open your eyes and immediately look for his face. But it's not him! You are in the arms of another man. You recoil in horror. Who is this man?!

Where is your beloved?

Click here for the rest of the story http://www.emkpress.com/perspective.html

Blogger 6blessings said...
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing it with us. Fear of being left behind or handed off and fear of there being no permanancy is something we sometimes battle. Just today, the boys told me, "Ni hachoo dietsky dom. Hachoo Mama u Papa." We haven't talked about the orphanage in a long time. I told them over and over that they were never going back there and they were in our family forever and ever. We hugged for a long time after that.

Blogger ferenge mama said...
Wow - powerful stuff. It's so easy to focus on the exciting, happy, wonderful stuff. Thanks for the reminder that there is grief, and a betrayal of trust, to deal with too. So hard.

Blogger Deb said...
WOW! That is an amazing story.
I will definately look into getting that book. And try to learn a little more Russian; that will make a big difference... I hope.
Thanks for sharing.

Blogger Elle said...
One of the things we kept doing was putting ourselves in Pickle's shoes. Everytime he had a tantrum or was given something new. As parents we wait so long for this moment and don't realize that the children have no clue. It is so important to see it from their perspective.

Blogger Denise :o) said...
Ugh!! It won't let me read the link!!! I keep getting an error. I'll have to try later. Darn!

Blogger Suz said...
Denise, try it again now, I've tweaked something - maybe it worked!

Blogger Denise :o) said...
Okay, Wow. I was finally able to get to the site. These poor children. How scary for them. I never really thought about that way. Gives me a whole new perspective.

Blogger Calico Sky said...
I now have this on my blog too!!! Was searching for something that summed what it must be like up. What a great post, thanks

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thanks for the book suggestion. I'm waiting for its delivery this week!

Blogger Jenni said...
What an important article. Thanks for posting this.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That is a good story to keep in mind. Thanks for sharing it!

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