More Birthday Fun - Continued
Monday, November 06, 2006
Blogger wouldn't let me add all the pix I wanted below so here are some more birthday pix!

Mommy and D:

D and her cousin "Bubba" eating the yummy pizza. It was Bubba's wedding where she was the flower girl two months ago:

D's birthday cake made by her Grandma Y. D loves horses and the birthday theme was horses:

And finally....

D and Chuck E. Cheese:

Blogger Deb said...
Looks like D had a great time all day. The royal treatment! :o)

Hoping you have Baby V home before her birthday so we can see her birthday pics too.

Blogger Jeff & Maria said...
While the process of adoption is tough with all the ups and downs (a true labor of love I call it), the friends and stories I have met/read along the way have made this process an unbelievable experience. I am wishing and praying Baby V home.
Great Blog!

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