4:15 on 4/15
Monday, April 16, 2007
I went to our church sanctuary at 4:10 yesterday for my prayer time.

When I walked in the door of the dim room, just the sun shining through the stained glass, I started to cry right away.

See, when you're sitting in that place with 600 other people, it's easy to not really "be" there - do you know what I mean? After 14 months of this waiting and thousands of prayers, lately I haven't really been praying with faith, believing. It's easy to plaster on a smile every Sunday and pretend to be alright when it's you + 600 other people. But when I walked into the sanctuary yesterday afternoon it was just me and God in there and I was overwhelmed.

I grabbed the tissue box off the front pew, took off my sandals and fell on my face before God at the altar. Knowing that people all over the world were praying at the same moment for the same thing was powerful. I confess that sometimes, even though I know I'm a child of God, I feel insignificant. But during that prayer time I KNEW He was listening to us.

I prayed for so many of you by name who have been waiting for your child and I prayed for all the children who are waiting. There were times when I had no words and I was at the point of just an inner groaning of pain for all of us, begging God with my soul to bring our children home.

And the only way they can come home is for accreditation to be granted.

Romans 8:26-28
Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
Blogger Elle said...
I've done that before. When I worked in the office I couldn't stand it anymore and I went to sit in a pew. The silence was amazing and I cried so hard. You know you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Every day.

Blogger Chris Goeppner said...
Oh Suz, I know that the Lord has heard our prayers. What a special moment you had with Him yesterday. Let's keep praying!

Blogger Deb said...
Wow! Your post brings tears to my eyes.
I'm so glad we were all united in prayer during that special time.
Our kids, all of them, will be home soon.

Blogger Rhonda said...
This brought me to tears. What a powerful moment.

Blogger Tami said...
As I read your post this morning I couldn't help but remember these verses. Although we are adopting from Ukraine this time, our three children are from Russia. Our hearts are there...and I'm taking great comfort in the fact that the Lord did hear our cries yesterday.
"I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. " - Ps. 40:1-3 NIV

Blogger mommyto5 said...
I feel your pain I've been there. Here's a verse that a friend sent mewhen we wer struggling thru our adoptioon process "We also rejoice in our sufferings,b/c we know that suffering produces perserverence,character& character,hope.Hope doesn't disappoint us,b/c God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit,whom he has given us."
God Bless you my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Blogger 6blessings said...
We had discussed that scripture in Sunday School a month or so before we went for our court date in Russia. It came alive when I realized that the Holy Spirit was our "translator" just as the translator we had in court.

Before court, our translator told us that if we didn't know an answer to just speak for a few seconds and he would translate the right answer to the judge. He also said he would smooth over anything that we said that would be wrong, offensive, or just off the mark. It was a tremendous picture of what the Holy Spirit does for us when we pray. Many times we don't know how to pray, what to pray, or even the right thing to pray. It doesn't matter. He is our translator and knows just how to communicate our need.

I truly believe God will hear the prayers of His children and the doors will begin to open.

Blogger Maggie said...
What a powerful moment.

Blogger Kim said...
What a beautiful heart you have!!! So often all you hear are the happy moments and it's so easy to get all caught up in that and feel so alone in your pain. Thanks for sharing that private moment with God. It helps to realize that no matter what God is always listening and really wants to hear what is on our hearts.

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