Wednesday, February 07, 2007
This adoption thing.

I don't talk much about the process. I don't mention my agency by name. If you are clever you can figure out who our agency is because a few of our other blog friends use the same agency and I'm not as secretive when I comment on their blogs. I do this for a bit more anonymity so that nothing may interfere with our adoption. We certainly don't need anything else hindering this thing!

But, since I don't talk about the agency much, you may not know how feel about the job they're doing for us. I've been giving this post alot of thought for quite some time.

When we very first decided to adopt again, it was December of 2004. We knew the agency fees were about to raise a bit in January of 2005 so in order to "lock in" the 2004 rate we submitted the very first part of our application. Yes - I said 2004! For THIS adoption!

But, we weren't really ready financially to begin the process until April of 2005. We got the ball rolling and in faith that the agency would be re-accredited (in THAT year's accreditation nightmare) we prepared and sent in the paperwork. We officially began the process on May 12, 2005. Five days later Accreditation was received. We were with an accredited agency.

Our agency has a tremendous reputation for their work with Orphanages worldwide. It is a Christian based agency and that is something that is important for us. It is a small-ish agency. The staff here and in Russia is top notch. They totally hold our hands and take care of nearly everything for us. We just go when they say go.

This is the same agency we used to adopt D and we have a family-like relationship with them.

Jess says that Hubby and I bleed B*_*_*_ Blue (the agency's trademark logo color). I don't take offense to that at all.

Although this process is hard, very hard and there have been a couple of times we got irritated at something or other with the agency that we didn't feel pleased about, over the 7 years we've been dealing with this agency that's not a bad relationship record. We know that they truly care about us, our children and getting them home.

Russian adoption is just hard. It's a big leap of faith. All adoption is a leap of faith - whether domestic agency, domestic private, domestic CPS, International from any country.

We've been asked why we don't switch agencies to get this adoption finished? Well, don't think it hasn't crossed our minds. We LOVE our agency, but we want our daughter home more. However, there are NO OTHER accredited American agencies working in this region. We are in a very tough region. The judge or prosecutor (we're not sure which) decided that even though we'd made our first trip before accreditation lapsed, they would not allow us to complete without accreditation.

Would I reccommend our agency to others entering the adoption process?? Absolutely, I do. But you say, they're not accredited! Well, most are not anymore and the ones who are will lapse soon too. I have no doubt that when Russia gets around to accrediting the agencies ours will be accredited. Then, as I understand, it won't lapse again for 5 years! That is wonderful news for the families coming after us.

If I were speaking to someone today who is just deciding to start the process, I would say wait a few more months. You can start educating yourself, choosing an agency based on your family's needs and their reputation with past and current clients, gathering paperwork, getting your home ready, learn all you can about Russian adoption. But wait just a few more months before officially starting the process. But if you feel God is calling you to get started right now - GO. Like I said it is all a huge leap of faith. Look before you leap, but then there comes a time when you just take a deep breath and jump!
Blogger Elle said...
Excellent point! I love our agency too (not the same as yours obviously) But you are correct. The very few who are still accredited will expire in the next 2-3 months. Most regions out there are not allowing agencies to work with expired accreditation anymore. If you can wait. Use this time to get educated and know exactly what you are getting into before you spend a single cent.

Blogger Mrs. Broccoli Guy said...
I don't think there's such a thing as a Perfect Adoption Agency. Every agency has its flaws. The thing is to pick an agency you know is ethical and keep your eyes wide open. I'm sorry this accreditation thing has been such a trial for you, but it sounds like your agency is playing by the rules and will be accredited again soon. Which is a lot better than the agencies that try to piggy back on other agencies or say they just do "independent" adoptions.

Blogger Deb said...
Christina made a great point. They do follow the rules. That's one of the reasons I like them so much.

Oh, if I had it to do over again things would be different I'm sure. But I am glad I have the support of our agency to lean on during this wait.
As you said if we were just starting out I would wait. But as far as we were into it I don't think I could have waited to start. But then our case was a little different with the agency switch.

Good post.

Blogger Calico Sky said...
Thank you for your post. It was really good to read and prepare. I can't believe how long the process has been for you. I am amazed at your strength, amazed. I often pray for your family and your little girl in Russia. You will remain in my heart and prayers.

Blogger Esther said...
I'd heard the new accreditations were going to be good for 2 years. Are we talking NGO or MoE accreditation. There's a distinct difference there, separate accreditation section of government for each, & separate process. Could one accreditation be for 2 years & the other for 5 years? I'd heard new MoE accreditation was going to be for 2 years.....

Blogger Suz said...
From what I've read on FRUA and what we've heard from our agency - it sounds like accreditation will be good for 5 years. But we won't know for sure until accreditation is approved and it is announced officially.

I'm not sure how long NGO is in effect before lapsing.

Blogger Maggie said...
When my agency for Russian adoption was accredited it was right as other agencies accreditation's were expiring. It seemed too timely to be a coincidence. Almost as if, by delaying accreditation they were purposefully limiting the number of functioning agencies.

Obviously this is only my humble little observation and I have absolutely nothing to base this on at all.

Blogger jessy said...
He, He! I certainly didn't mean to give offense when I made my little comment, so I'm glad to hear none was taken.
You know, I can rail on them all the live long day--and have on occasion--but whenever I picture adopting again, guess who's the first agency I think of?

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