Guess Who Has Chicken Pox??
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
If you guessed V, that would be a big "we still don't know".

D has them!

She started last Friday with waking up with a fever of 102* so I kept her home. The fever got worse on Saturday, up to 104.3*. I called the doctor and the nurse called back to say it sounded like strep. I was just to keep treating the fever and cold symptoms and if she still had fever on Monday to come in.

Well, I had noticed a few little bumps on her in patches of 1-3 here and there over her body but I didn't think much of it. But then a little larger patch appeared on the backs of her legs right above the bend of her knee and it looked "kind of" like Chicken Pox. She had the vaccination at 15 months old. But the bumps would just gradually fade away instead of rupturing and crusting over as usual Chicken Pox do.

Well, the doctor did a strep test yesterday and said it was negative, but she has been seeing several cases of this atypical Chicken Pox after kids have had the vaccine. They're just now learning that kids need a booster around age 4.

Even though D's case is very mild - not even itchy - she is just as contagious as if she were covered in them. So, she's still home and we're both getting cabin fever. I HOPE she gets to go back to school tomorrow. It's so hard to keep her busy because she really doesn't feel awful or anything.

It's been beautiful outside yesterday and today, even supposed to get into the 70's today! She is wanting to play outside, but with the cold symptoms I'm keeping her in.

Isn't that crazy that V's group is having them and D contracts them too! Sisters sharing germs half a world apart!
Blogger Deb said...
So glad she doesn't have them real bad. How funny that both girls possible have them at the same time. Hope you hear more about V soon.

Blogger Yeah So said...
Oh no! Well, I guess it was bound to happen sometime! Better now than later I guess.

Blogger Carrie said...
I wish my girls would get them and get it over with...

Hope eveyone is healthy and having fun soon.

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