Book MeMe
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Starfish has this book meme going for any who want to play along. Instead of tagging people, I'll just invite you to share if you wish.

Here's how to play:
1)In the book you're currently reading (or find the nearest book)
2) Open to page 123
3) Type lines 6-8 of said book
4) Tag three others

Well first of all, the book I'm reading doesn't even have 123 pages LOL, it only has 118 - this is what I've come to! So, I'm going to share page one instead of page 123.

The Six-year-old is wonderfully complex and intriguing, but life can be complicated for him at times, and what he needs most in the world is parents who understand him. For Six is not just bigger and better than Five. He is almost entirely different. He is different because he is changing, and changing rapidly. Though many of the changes . . . . .

from Your Six-Year-Old: Loving and Defiant by Louise Bates Ames, Ph.D.

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