Oh the Places We Go - Again
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I've been putting off writing my blog today. I keep getting little random thoughts that I think about posting, but then I forget them by the time I actually sit down to write.

I've been riding a roller coaster today - figuratively that is. A real roller coaster would be nice though, it would take my mind from the real stuff of the figurative one! I started off this morning noticing when D changed her little calendar blocks that today is the 18th. V turns 20 months old today. I was doing pretty good with that . . .for a couple of hours. I was kind of in the numb place. Do you know the numb place? The numb place is where it is just surreal that a baby/child actually exists half way around the world who is supposed to be your child - but isn't. So most of the morning I was in the numb place.

Then I moved into the I know I could be depressed, but I'm not going to be, I'm going to enjoy this day and be. glad. in. it place - I guess this could also be called the denial/survival place. I didn't last long there.

Then I moved to the poor pitiful me place - no explanation is needed for that place, right? I knew I had to get out of there quick before that led to the half-gallon mint chocolate chip ice-cream place!

I'm kind of back in the numb place again now. If we don't hear just a little smidge of good news this week, just a tiny particle of a smidge, the cell of a particle of a smidge, I'm going to go to the nutso place!


Chant with me!


Okay, okay - I know that NGO in and of itself isn't going to get us anywhere. But at least it would be a tiny step forward. So that in the wayyyy off-chance that the Duma (or whoever) should pass the Government Decision #268 thing, re-accreditation could finally be pursued.

Debbie, I'm trying not to worry. But it's hard. I tried to come up with a post that was not a downer, but I just couldn't do it today. It's just one of those days. Honestly, I DO have more up days and even days than I do roller coaster days. But today is not one of them.

For your personal safety, please keep arms and legs inside the car and wait for the car to come to a complete stop before exiting the ride to your left. Thank you for visiting Crazy Adoption Land and we hope you enjoy your visit.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I can so relate. I live in the "numb place" ... with frequent visits to the denial/survival place and the poor pitiful me place. Waiting with no end in sight just stinks.

Blogger Jenni said...
Sorry to hear you are having a bummer of a day. I remember being in the "numb place" when our son had his 3rd birthday in Russia, without any family to celebrate with him. It is very surreal, and can be very depressing. Hang in there. Steve (at http://frwl-fromdad.blogspot.com/) got some good news this week, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you will too.


Blogger yorkiemom said...
Sending you our NGO vibes!! You're right, it isn't accreditation, but does make you feel better.


Blogger U.N. Mama said...
Definitely went to those places with the adoption of our daughter! We're praying for you nightly here in our family prayers.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You know I am feeling this with you. Pineapple turns 20 months on the 21st. It is almost like they have faded into fictional creatures that we have vague memories of...kinda like a manufactured dream... sorry, getting off the crazy adoption thoughts bus now.

Blogger Carolina Mama said...
Thanks for sharing. It is good to know how you actually feel. It's gonna happen! "NGO NGO NGO" Always enjoy the visit to your 'adoption land' ! :)

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