Curious George
Monday, September 04, 2006
If you have noticed over on Jenn's blog the banners advertising the coming of the new PBS show, Curious George today on Labor Day, you'll understand my post.

Everytime I'm on Jenn's blog and D is in the room she just gets so excited to see that Curious George banner.

Well we watched it this morning and I was very impressed. It was a well done show. The very first words of the show were "Zdratz-voit-ye, (I know that's not spelled right) that is how to say hello in Russian." Well that caught my attention right away of course! I am figuring they'll say **hello in a different language each day, since there was nothing else remotely Russian about the show. I'm excited though that they chose my babies language to start with!

D loved the show and laughed way out loud several times. Of course she's a big school girl now and won't be home when the show comes on (8 a.m. CT) I plan to tape several of them for her though so she can see them.

Just thought I'd give my little review, two opposable thumbs up for Curious George!

Till later . . .

**edited Tuesday morning** I was right. This morning they said "din-uh-vuh" which is hello in Finnish.

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