It's fun to be five - revisited
Sunday, July 09, 2006
On the topic of "It's fun to be five." Last week D decided that it was her Blankie's birthday and that he needed a special party. She spent all day making invitations and decorations for Blankie's birthday. It was so cute that I encouraged the fun by making Blankie a birthday cake with D's help. Blankie really is a huge part of our family. D received Blankie as a gift a few weeks after she came home from Russia. He came from hubby's uncle and aunt in the mail in a square brown box. Although I had all these really beautiful and soft blankets that I assumed she would attach to, D chose this blankie as her special one. There is one corner of Blankie that is her favorite and even in her deepest sleep she can find that one corner (which is very raggedy by now). So, when Daddy got home from work, we had a birtday party for Blankie.

For your viewing pleasure, my first attempt at YouTube and the Blankie birthday party...

***Edited: I finally figured out how to the YouTube thing, but then when it was finally up, I realized the D and I speak her full name out loud and we can't put that on this public site :o(. Sorry you missed the very cute video. I'll find another soon to put on with no names mentioned. So, as a second option, here is a plain "still" photo of D and Blankie at his birthday party. Note the chocolate frosting under D's left eye and Blankie's raggedy corner :o)

Till later . . .
Blogger Suz said...
Well, it didn't work. I'll keep working at it. I'm in computer special ed here, work with me!

Blogger Clover said...
It worked for me. Very cute. My son is also five and he never really had a lovey. That's very sweet to sing Happy B-day to Blankie.

Blogger Suz said...
Well, I got it to work and I was so proud of myself. Then I had to remove it because I spoke D's real name and she did too. Aw man, it was so cute.

Blankie blew out the candle and then "he" said that he wished D and him could be friends forever. It was so sweet.

Blogger Jennefer said...
Oh... missed the movie.

Blogger Kelly said...
My little sister is 20 years old and has the most raggedy "soft blankies" ever. She is so funny about them - she really doesn't like us to touch them and doesn't let my mom wash them because they are now too delicate. YUCK!! Even though she is 20, it is still kind of cute!

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