A couple of things . . .
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I heard this "saying" this morning and I thought it was really good. It is also applicable to all of us in this adoption rollercoaster ride of a lifetime with all our many ups and downs.

"If you’ve had a good day, take those thoughts with you to your dreams, if you’ve had a trying day, then leave those in today and start fresh tomorrow!”

Ok, the second thing. Has anyone found those disposable bibs? I took them with us on our trip to adopt D in 2001 and I cannot for the life of me find them in 2006! If you know where I can find them, please leave a comment. Thanks!

Till later . . .
Blogger Lauri said...
I have seen them.... at Babies R Us, Walmart and target.

Happy B-day to Blankie

Blogger Suz said...
I found them at Super Walmart. Our tiny town Walmart didn't have them. So, they're all ready to go catch some dribble in Russia! Thanks!

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