Where we're at . . .
Monday, May 22, 2006
Just thought I'd update a bit about where we're at right now in our wait.

1. We got a call last Wednesday, May 17 which was the date the accreditation expired. Our casemanager explained about our agency needing to file for NGO status (Non Governing Organization) in Russia. Originally adoption agencies thought they would be exempt, but on May 11, our Russia director attended a meeting detailing how agencies were to go about the processing of this paperwork. Our agency is already in the midst of completing the application and expects to be finalized by mid-July.

At this meeting, agencies were also informed that adopting parents who have already traveled on their first trip will most likely be able to complete their adoptions. For more information, please visit: http://www.jcics.org/Russia.htm On this website it makes it sound more definitive that we will be able to still complete our adoption before re-accreditation is attained.

2. A small portion of our homestudy needed to be reworded. When we originally had our homestudy and prepared our dossier we thought we would be going to Bryansk, so we prepared it accordingly. Now that we are in D & V's region, the judge requires a bit different wording, so the agency had to do that, get it apostilled, then it was sent to Moscow last Thursday for translation.

3. Our medical reports have expired. They expire every 3 months. Our casemanager thinks we will still be able to get our court date with our old ones along with the news that we have had them redone and that they're on their way. So, I spent last Thursday and Friday and today (and probably tomorrow morning) getting those done. Hubby and I use the same General Practitioner here in town, we got ours completed last Friday and I went to Longview this morning to get D's updated at her pediatrician and will have to go back tomorrow to pick them up then send them to Austin for apostilles, then I'll have them sent directly to the agency and they'll send them on to Moscow for translation.

So, that's what is happening right now. We are praying that we will hear the news soon! I've had target dates and they've all slipped by so far - April 21 - nope, May 15 - nope, so my new target date is May 30.

Oh my, I would have never dreamed it would take this long for our court date. Eleven weeks ago today we met baby V. I can't imagine how much she has grown and changed.
Blogger Elle said...
I do hope they will let you get a court date even though the agency accreditation expired. Our region is VERY strict and nothing will take place for un-accredited agencies. Some agencies are saying they will process families as independent, but again, our region judge gives that big fat NO. That was our plan "B" last fall. You are in the same place I was last August. I know exactly what you are going through. If you need someone to vent at let me know. I'll listen!

Blogger Jennefer said...
I am sorry it is taking so long and this accreditation thing makes it all the more difficult. I really hope you get your court date and can get over there soon. This NGO thing has caught a lot of people by surprise. There are many bloggers in your same situation. ~prayers~

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