I'm climbing out . . .
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Thanks so much everyone for your encouraging words. Anyone who tells you this adoption business is easy, is lying through their pearly white teeth! Will it be worth it in the end? I'm positive it will - but when will it end?

I'm just going to "talk" today, so I hope it makes sense.

I was at the bottom of the pit of despair yesterday and felt as if there were a lid on the pit, and a boulder on the lid and a lock and chain around the boulder. There was no light. Today, the lid is off and I've crawled up a tiny bit. I can see some light today.

I've already had another cry fest this morning. I told hubby that I feel like something really bad is about to happen or something really good. He says he just looks at it like this, "in two months we'll know something." End of story. On with life. I wish I could be more like that, but I can't. Maybe it's just the difference between men and women.

I know I am feeling this way because we are at this time of "a year ago" this and "a year ago" that. If V were home, these would be joyous "a year agoes" but since she is not home, they are extremely depressing "a year agoes."

In the words of encouragement you all gave me yesterday, many people have said that they consider me strong. I'm not. I'm a big wimp. I'm not strong at all as you can see from my despair yesterday. I know in my mind and in my heart that God is my strength, my only strength because in my human self I am so not strong.

In her blog, Deana shared the scripture Isaiah 40:27 "Why would you ever complain, O Jacob, or whine Israel, saying, "God has lost track of me. He doesn't care what happens to me"? Don't you know anything? Haven't you been listening? God doesn't come and go. God lasts. He's Creator of all you can see or imagine. He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch His breath. And He knows everything, inside and out. He energizes those who get tired, gives fresh strength to dropouts. For even young people tire and drop out, young folk in their prime stumble and fall. But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, they run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind."

I felt like a drop-out yesterday. There have been only two times in this adoption that I've really felt like quitting. Yesterday was the second of those times.

Many times people will say, "God won't give you any more than you can bear." That's not true, it's not in the Bible. If God never gave (or allowed) more than I can handle, then I wouldn't need Him. The twists and turns this adoption has taken are way more than I can handle. (***The scripture that people confuse is 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.)

Throughout the months of ups and downs in this adoption, I've cried out to God, shouted at Him, that if we are going down the wrong path to please let us know. But the peace is still there underneath all the pain of the waiting.

In this adoption journey I have to have a touchstone. A place where I can go back to and know that I know that I know that we are doing the right thing. These are my touchstones:

  • (1) It goes back to D's adoption and the decision to step forward in that adoption. I heard the voice of God as close to audibly as I think I ever will. After over a year of going back and forth between hubby and me being ready to step forward, I was the one holding back. But on September 12, 2000 I heard God say in my soul, "It's time, your child is in Russia. Get started."
  • (2) On our second trip, when we were in Moscow before we traveled to the region for D's court hearing, I heard Him again. We were walking down a side street in Moscow and again another very strong feeling/voice told me, "You'll be back." and I knew right then that our second child would also come from Russia. Since we've had D home, I've had two miscarriages and two private domestic adoptions fall through. Although those were all hard, I could understand that they weren't meant to be because I knew in my heart that our next child would come from Russia.
  • (3) During the wait for V's referral I would look at the eight baby girls in our age parameters in the region on the Russian Databank website. I was drawn to the blurry picture of the little girl named V.S. I knew that it could be any one of the babies and I didn't obsess over this one child. I was just drawn to her every time. I really strongly figured it would be another little girl named Inna that we would be matched with out of all of them. But when our casemanager called with the referral, as soon as the V-sound came out of his mouth, I knew it was the same V that I'd seen all those months and I was full of peace knowing that it was her. When we went to the MOE for the official referral, when the director turned the computer screen for us to see her picture, it was the same picture I'd seen for 10 months.

It takes getting into the pit sometimes to appreciate joy. I'm usually a pretty joyful person. Even in my pit yesterday, I was remembering the scripture Psalm 30:5 . . ."weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."

I couldn't get through this without my faith in God. I know that when I get down low in the pit, God hasn't walked away from me, I've walked away from Him.

This horrible wait makes no sense to me. It may never make sense. I know God's ways are not my ways. I also know that He is all powerful, and if He wanted to snap His fingers and make everything fall right in place for V to come home next week, He could. For some reason He has chosen not to do that (not for lack of my begging Him). But I know that He loves her even more than I do.

I'm climbing up, it stinks in the pit . . .

Blogger Yeah So said...
When I was in the wait stage, I tried to think that God was busy trying to get circumstancs for both us and the baby that was chosen for us to come together. Maybe he wasn't born yet, or we weren't ready yet, or whatever. Hang in there!! You are strong because you still continue on. Strength doesn't mean that you don't let anything bother you - it means you continue to go on despite all the pain. You can do it! Glad you're feeling better today!

Blogger Esther said...
yes....you make sense ;o)

Blogger Chris Goeppner said...
Yes, it does stink in the pit. Thank the Lord that His hand is always extended to us. Whether or not we grab hold of it is up to us, I know that I've been slapping it away recently. I've been sad, hurt and angry lately about our circumstances. I know that we need to be content no matter our circumstances but sometimes it's really hard. Thanks for writing what's been on your heart, you are not alone in your heartache. We have to trust that there is a reason for this long wait and that soon it will all be over. I can't wait to rejoice with you when it is! I find such comfort in the fact that God loves our kids more than we do and His plans for them are to give them a hope and a future and not to harm them. I have to believe that some day in the near future, they'll be home with us.
I wish my arms could reach through this computer and give you a great big hug.
"...let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." Heb12:1
So we can say..."I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2Tim4:7
Don't give up Suz, the finish line is just around the corner!
Many Blessings,

Blogger Susan said...
I don't have much to offer up except good thoughts, well wishes and prayers for your entire family. You show so much strength, even though behind closed doors you may sink to your knees. I've been there more times than I care to remember. While I don't know what it's like to be in your shoes, I've walked part of that path. I think if we could all make it go quicker, we certainly would.

You're an amazing woman and I've gathered a lot of strength through you.


Blogger Betsy said...
Well said. I'm just catching up on blogs and yours was among the first I visited. I still remember you and V in my prayers. I do hope things get moving for you soon.

Blogger Jewels of My Heart said...
Hi, I just found your blog... I just want to say, I have been where you are and by the grace of God you will get through and all the heartache and pain will melt away when you hold your precious miracle in your arms. When I was 37 I was blessed with my son who was born in Russia and at 41 I held my daughter from China in my arms for the first time. It took what felt like forever and a day to hold my children in my arms for the first time... but the Lord is faithful and His timing is perfect. The way He brought us all together was nothing short of a miracle. But I do know how hard it is... It seems the enemy tries to keep our children from making it to their Mommy and Daddy especially when they are Christians.... but the goon news is that God is on the throne and He loves your little one even more than you do.
Stay the coarse.... this too shall pass.
God's Speed

Blogger 6blessings said...
I'm glad you're climbing out. I can't imagine what you are going through. Our little waiting period was tortuous and it wasn't like yours. Don't think that just because you feel low that you aren't strong. You are amazing. Most would have been done a long time ago. I'm glad God has given you the peace that can only come from Him. I don't know why He has chosen for your time to be so long, but He has reasons and He knows best. I know, I know, easier said than believed.

Anyway, I'm glad you are finding comfort in His arms. Hopefully everything will fall into place very soon!

Blogger jessy said...
As always, praying for you all. Susi, I was thinking about you the other day and wondering what happened to the other family that traveled with you? Did they get down in the pit and not climb out (I think I would have)? You are an amazing woman! An amazing family! Hang in there.

Blogger kate said...
(Blogger hasn't let me comment for ages!)

Suz, when I look at how gracefully and patiently you've endured your long wait for baby V, I'm inspired. My encouragment to you is Phillipians 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you willcarry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. I believe that the good work you have begun will also be brought to completion by Him who prompted you to begin.

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