What fun! On Saturday
Debbie and I met for the first time in real life. It is so neat how you can become cyber-friends and then when you meet it is like you've known each other forever. It was kind of like when my college friends and I get together. Even if we haven't seen one another for years, when we get together we just pick right up as if we've spent no time apart.
Debbie and
Robin also met for the first time in real life. I've known Robin for about a year now.
I thought it was neat how we were color coordinated as to our referrals, I wonder if we subconciously did this?? Robin has a referral for a boy and is in
blue, I have a referral for a girl and am in
pink, and Debbie is "expecting" a referral for a boy and is also in
I was also able to meet in real life for the first time
Amy and David who are adopting from China. It was completely as if I already knew them. She from our e-mails that we share and he from the way his personality comes across in his writing on the blog.
It was so fun to meet these people with whom I feel I've become friends.
Many at the support group don't "get" the whole blog thing. But it's been such an ongoing support for me, to know that I'm not in this alone.
It was also good to see my friend Kimberly (also adopting from Russia) on Saturday. I had not seen her for quite some time . . . she admitted reading my blog, hmmmmm maybe we can get her in on the bloggy-ness too??? There's always room for more blog friends!
I felt rejuvenated after the support group. I've just got to keep hoping that we'll hear good news soon.
I totally agree, the bloggy world is the best. I feel so well educated by all I learn from others. I really felt like we had a secret when we were all together.
Kimberly, if you read this you should start a blog. I'd love to get to know you too.
I hope my wearing blue because a truth sooner then we expect.
So the shirt thing was totaly a fluke!! How uncanny!!! oh it was really nice to see a pic of you Suz!!
A little know fact is that I met my hubby online!! hehe Nice to know there that he wasnt an axe murder!!!