Chicken Pox!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
We've been waiting a couple of weeks for an update on V's growth and development. We found out today why we've had no news . . . QUARANTINE.

The orphanage has been under Chicken Pox Quarantine for the last two weeks. We won't find out until next week whether or not V was affected.

I'm going back and forth trying to decide if I hope she has had them or not. On the one hand, if yes - she will be done with it. On the other hand, I don't want my sweet baby to have to suffer without the proper coddling and nurturing that she would have at home. But then again, if she were home, we'd get the vaccination and hopefully she would never have to endure them anyhow.

Oh well, it doesn't matter what I think, does it? Like I have any control over whether she has the chicken pox or not! Like I have any control over anything - right!

I just feel so bad, just one more thing my baby is having to endure without her Mommy - - - or maybe not.

Tune in next week for As the Chicken Pox Itch.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
That's hard, knowing there's a chicken pox outbreak and there's nothing you can do. It just goes against everything in our mommy-natures to know our child is sick (or exposed) and we can't do anything about it. I hope you get a good news update soon.

Blogger jessy said...
The baby house was just coming out of quarantine on our first trip. All of our pictures show her with ugly green dye all over her pretty, bald head. The medicine they put on their pox is bright green. And rest assured, Mommy, it must be some good stuff because Marina never scratched hers the whole time we were with her and she has no pox scars.
But I know how you feel. Natasha kept saying, "Oh, how good it is that she has already had them--you will not need to worry later" But I kept thinking, "No, it is not 'good' because in the U.S., SHE WOULD NOT HAVE TO HAVE THEM AT ALL!"

Blogger 6blessings said...
Ugh!! I hope she didn't have it and she's home soon so you can get her vaccinated. Then she'll never have to worry about it, hopefully.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
just really wanted to send prayers for V....

And big hugz for you!!!

Hopefully if she does get it.....them praying that its only a mild dose......

Blogger Jenni said...
Oh no! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that V is chicken-pox free.

Take care Suz. I know this must be so hard for you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
As the Chicken Pox Itch! Hahaha! You so made me laugh!

Blogger Melissa said...
All the orphanages seem to have a quarantine in the winter months. Both K and O's baby homes had them and we had to wear masks.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hi Suz,
I hope she's clear of them too! But even if she gets the vaccine here, she might still get them. They're not as severe though... my kids both had them and they weren't nearly as miserable as I was when I had them years ago.

This wait for V is *&%$##@!! I keep checking in for some news for you... and I am hoping and praying that something changes. A big hug to you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wishing, and hoping, and thinking, and praying. That song is running through my head as I read your post. Don't know why. But I am praying for comfort for both mommy and Baby V.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I hated getting that!!! It's bittersweet that there's now a vaccine (since it doesn't help V). But she'll be alright.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hoping and praying for good news soon Suz.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I know how you feel about the chicken pox. When we visited in Dec., Creecher was the only one in her group that hadn't had them. Wonder if she'll be polka dotted when we go to pick her up?

Praying for you as always.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Found your blog link at minnesota-momma's blog. She was requesting prayer for your precious little V! Praying here now:-)

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