Lunch - a Healthy Choice
Monday, January 22, 2007
Have you seen the latest commercials for Healthy Choice frozen meals? The two chefs are there telling how they have been working 'round the clock to come up with recipes that taste more delicious with less salt, less fat - yada yada.

Well, oh my goodness, let me tell you what - they really are! No, I have no connection with Healthy Choice (other than the delicious chicken digesting in my stomach). I grabbed a few of HC meals last week at the grocery when they were on sale. Hubby is going to be otherwise occupied over the next week or so and I won't need to be cooking as much and thought these would be better for me than calling out for pizza or making Velveeta Grilled Cheese sandwiches.

Yes, yes I know it is much healthier for me to prepare fresh vegetables and chicken - blah, blah, blah. But these are good! I just had the Chicken Teriaki with brown rice and broccoli and warm cherry compote for dessert! I will tell you right now, I would never cook that well and healthfully for just myself!

And what, you ask, has this to do with adoption of any sort?? Nuttin.

Ok, that is my product recommendation O' the day!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"And what, you ask, has this do with adoption of any sort?? Nuttin"


Usually those frozen dinners are so incredibly high in sodium. I'm glad they're coming up with some that aren't quite as bad. They're good for lunches in a pinch.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That is REALLY good to know! I am a frozen dinner snob (ha ha) - and am VERY picky about what I eat. I will definitely give these a try! Thanks for the review!

Blogger S. said...
I really like those new Kashi frozen meals too--they are yummy!

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