In the last post, Jessy asked if we feel like
V will complete our family or will we try for another. Most likely
V will be the caboose on the end of this train.
However, Hubby
has said a few times lately that he'd like us to adopt a baby girl from China! Acckk! I told him if he is serious we'd better start THAT paperwork right now! He turned 40 last week and I entered my perpetual 39 years in August! I can already feel the difference in my stamina from when we adopted
D when I was 34 years old. It is soooooo true that once you pass 35 you just change!
Also, it is quite a strange feeling being 10 years older than most of the other moms of
D's kindergarten peers and I'll be more like 15 years older than the moms when
V gets to Kindergarten. If we adopted again I would be closer to 20 years older!!!!!
It is nearly impossible that we would have a baby naturally. Over the nearly 12 years that we have been married I have been pregnant 4 times with no medical assistance (that's an average of every 3 years that I get pregnant) but the longest I've been able to carry the baby is 11 weeks. Our infertility is unexplained. We went through about 4 years of infertility treatment off and on and never did I get pregnant on the treatments, it was always out of the blue. Let me just say that these 9 months of waiting for
V's courtdate and being extra super careful is starting to get really, really old! Because you just know that when I absolutely do
not want to get pregnant, that's when it would happen. But it would be the pittiest of the pits to have a miscarriage as an American in a Russian hospital!
So in short, Jessy,
V will, with 99% surety, be the last little
Y in this branch of the family tree.
So here was my thinking: IF you were wanting more you could start the wheels turning in that direction while you wait for baby V. You're homestudy is current and I'm sure you're approved to immigrate two children. I've read on several blogs where PAPs are doing just that. Of course, I just about know how quickly our agency would puke all over that. I know you guys just about bleed B*kn*r blue, but surely they could make an exception to the rules in your completely abnormal over-the- top horrendously prolonged case? But since you are going to finish up with two then my PLAN is pretty pointless. Back to the drawing board. Nah, back on my knees. Which I know is more help than any of my schemeing.
Dave and I have talked about doing China as well. Getting #1 home and then waiting a year (while saving money) and then start the China program which we know would take a long time. Of course I have my heart set on at least two from Russia.
Keep the faith. You'll bring her home when you least expect it. And I pray that is soon.
I think typical age of mom varies in communities, I know that many families now don't have children until late 30's and 40's. A family friend and her husband just adopted thier first baby at 44. Another family friend just had their first child (biological) at 48 (her) and 51 (him).
In an ideal world I would have 4 r 5 children, but sadly I don't think it will be possible. I find it a fine line between remembering how blessed I will be to have 2 or 3 and knowing my limits financially. Also making sure each child attaches before I add another (although I would love to adopt 3 or 4 or 5 soon! lol) If only the process didn't cost so much...
I am sure whether a family of 4 or 5, yours will be very special!
However, I think kids keep you young. I think a little girl from China sounds terrific :-).
I hope you get accreditation news soon. I can't imagine the pain and disappointment you are going through. You seem so strong though. It is truly inspirational.