I just haven't really had much to blog about this past week. There is nothing, absolutely nothing happening on the adoption front. We have a weekly conference call on Wednesday afternoons at 4 p.m. and the past two weeks have been pretty much Hello - Goodbye. No news.
I also hate for my blog to be a perpetual downer. But this past week I have been feeling really low. With all the other happy news happening for other families (
Tina) I just don't want to be a party pooper.
Maybe this next week we'll turn a corner - I can only hope. I have never been so happy to see the month of August come to a close as I will be to see this month be past!
I see babies as I go about my day to day routine. Mamas carrying their 15-18 month old little girls and I just want to reach out and hold them - just to get a minute to close my eyes and
pretend they are
V. The only thing is these little ones are much bigger than
V probably is right now. So I try to figure out - what size shoe will she wear now? Surely not the chunky size 5 or 6 I'm seeing on most babies her age. I'm fairly sure she would still be in a size 9-12 months clothes for now. But when will we finally travel?
At church last Sunday I was holding a friend's almost
6 month old (she was born while we were on our 1st trip to meet V, March 7) . She weighs the same as
V does right now (at 19 months!). At the same time the daughter of another friend, who is 2 days younger than
V is running around like lighting and jabbering away. It's hard to fathom that
my V is the
size of that young little baby but the
age of that big toddler. I can hardly wrap my mind around it!
I am beyond excited for the families who are traveling or about to travel to complete their adoptions. It gives me hope beyond measure that yes this grueling wait will one day be over. I'm living vicariously through their journeys.
Till later . . .
I have SOOO been where you are. Hang in there. You're happy news times are a'comin'.
Come over to my updated blog.
Not only do I now want to take away from others' joy (so many good things happening right now!!) or be a whiner, I also don't really want my grandparents and parents knowing the toll this is taking.
Thanks for letting me have a mini-blog here to say everything is ROTTEN right now--without my family knowing I'm not really Pollyanna.
I am confident that good news will be yours SOON! And, then, maybe it will be my turn...