Meet the teacher day
Saturday, August 12, 2006

Thursday was meet the teacher day. We were at the school at 8:25 and the doors opened at 8:30. There were hundreds of people there, I really thought we would beat the crowd going right at the beginning.

D's classroom is really great! It is decorated in a jungle theme which is right up her alley. Her seat is right by the teacher's desk (which I'm glad for - less distractions). It is a very well equipped room and looks like they will have a huge blast of Kindergarten learning fun! I just wish I could go!!! My baby is going to be beyond of my control for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. I won't know what she is doing at 8:00, 9:15, 10:01 ... you get my train of thought here? I asked hubby if he thinks the teacher will give me a play by play detailed copy of the daily schedule. But I doubt it. She did give us her e-mail address which she may regret. This is my precious baby she is taking captive. I had to fly around the world TWICE for this baby girl. I'm excited for D, but I sure am going to miss her! I want to go to Kindergarten too!!!

Blogger Maggie said...
It looks like D had fun! It's really a bright and interesting classroom. But I want to know what's up with the "What Color is my Underwear?" book?

Blogger Lisa said...
What a great Kindergarten room! It's so bright and cheery. I agree, looks like LOTS of fun! Your baby is ADORABLE too! Definitely time for V to come home, huh? You're going to be lost with D at school during the day, so I hope you get some travel news soon. Once V comes home, that will be great though, to have that special alone-bonding time with her and then family time after D comes home from her day. Take some kleenex, mom!

Blogger Melissa said...
What a wonderful time! As a teacher, I always wondered what parents were thinking when they dropped off their little ones. She looks so cute. It will get easier as the year goes on. She will share all her fun times with you at the dinner table and make you tons of art projects to hang on the fridge.

Blogger Suz said...
Hee hee, D can't wait to read the "What Color is My Underwear" book! I guess that is just Kindergarten humor for you!

Blogger 6blessings said...
Cute classroom. Looks perfect for Kindergarten. I'm sure she'll have a lot of fun. Hang in there Mom! She'll be fine.

Blogger Jennefer said...
She will love Kindergarten! What a fun looking classroom. You really need to get little V home to keep you company!

Blogger Deb said...
The room looks great. D looks like she is so excited.

Blogger Susan said...
What a fun looking classroom...I'm sure it's going to be a great year 0 for all of you :)

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