My Red Threads
Friday, August 11, 2006
There is an ancient Chinese Proverb which states, “An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break."

Many families who are involved in the China adoption process hold fast to this statement as a reminder that they will one day be united with the child who is meant to be theirs - no matter what.

About a week ago, I started noticing that every day I was finding a red thread somewhere throughout my day. I have not failed to find a red thread somewhere everyday since I noticed this was happening.

As a Christian, I don't believe anything happens by destiny or by coincidence. I believe that God has a wonderful plan for our lives and that He has guided us in this adoption journey and is with us even in this hard and rocky place. So, the red threads that I am finding are simply reminders to me that God is in control of bringing our child home one day.

Everytime I find my red thread, it reminds me that V is meant to be our daughter and no matter what, no matter how many twists and turns, tangles and stretches this red thread is enduring, she will come home. Each day when I find my red thread, I stick it on my shirt, right above my heart and know that it will happen - one day.

till later . . .
Blogger Deb said...
Wonderful post. So glad you are finding your red threads.
I have always loved that proverb.

Blogger Jennefer said...
That is so sweet! Your child is meant to be yours. I am sorry you have had to wait so long to bring her home!

I didn't realize that baby V and Pineapple are almost the EXACT same age. Pineapple's bday is Jan. 21, 2005. That is amazing! Too cute! Olivia (Lauri's child) is close in age too- just two months older I think.

Blogger Lisa said...

I had a "red thread experience" too! Isn't that just the best? Well, maybe not as good as actually bringing your baby home, but it sure gave me a boost when I needed one!

Blogger jessy said...
There is a book by Francine Rivers, The Scarlett Thread, that you may want to read. Not about adoption, but a very absorbing story about a red thread experience. Maybe it will help fill the time. I'd send you my copy girl, but coincidently, I sold it with the rest of my rather extensive library, when we were raising money to bring home Marina. I LOVE FRANCINE RIVERS! Do you think she blogs?

Blogger Melissa said...
I am gonna cry, that was so beautiful! How much longer until you bring her home?

Blogger Maggie said...
Very cool. Little reminders that you're tied to her.

Blogger Jenni said...
What a wonderful proverb. I'd never heard it before, and as an adoptive parent, it takes on a very special meaning. Thanks for posting it as well as your red thread experiences. Maybe those threads will be something that could one day go in Baby V's lifebook?

Blogger Suz said...
Oh Jenni, that is a wonderful idea - I'm a bigtime scrapbooker! Why didn't I think of that?

Blogger kate said...
I hadn't heard that. Now I'm on the lookout for my own red threads.


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