Ok, this is Crazy!
Friday, November 10, 2006
My blog is just - gone! I can come on here and post a post, but no one can read it!

I first noticed last night that Lauren's blog was blank so I e-mailed Debbie to see if it was blank for her. When Debbie looked this morning, she said, "Yours is completely GONE!"

What is the deal???!!!???
Blogger Suz said...
ANNNNNNDDDDDD, in the time it took me to write that post - I'm back. Welcome back ME!

Lauren's is back too - WEIRD!

Blogger Deb said...
Funky Blogger!!!!!!! :o)

Blogger Susan said...
I read you through bloglines so I didn't notice you gone. However, I do love the new look.

Blogger Elle said...
Yeah, blogger is dumb like that. It happens periodically. Like on occasion the UM right sidebar will disappear.

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