lovely, lovely day
Saturday, July 22, 2006
This has been a beautiful, gorgeous, splendiforous RAINY, CLOUDY, GRAY, Saturday and I love it!

It has been soooo hot in our part of the world. I don't know how many straight days of over 100 degrees. It is nearly 2 p.m. and only 80 degrees right now. Beautiful!

So, when it started thundering around 5 a.m. this morning and the rain started, I was so glad. It's rained off and on most of the day, and boy did we need it!

Till later . . .
Blogger Suzanne said...
"only 80"

HA! Here we are absolutly wilting and whining and crying because it is mid-80s! When it gets to 90 we evacuate!

I can't even imagine what it would be like to consider the 80s to be lovely. Then again, when it hits 60 I break out the shorts and sandals.

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