300th Post
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Originally uploaded by oybay

Do you remember the show "Green Acres"? Well, that's my life now.

We have had so much adventure moving to the country from town.

We are completely in the double wide now. We're about 90% unpacked and pretty much settling into our life here.

As I've worked I keep returning to the part of the song where it says "you are my wife, goodbye city life." I am thankful, though, that we have a place to live and it's decent. It's not my first choice in life, but we'll be ever more thankful for our sparkling new house once it's built.

Our dog was "skunked" night before last! Saturday night was the first time hubby and I have ever seen a real, alive (not dead on the side of the road) skunk! It was out in the field and Sundae (our dog) was having lots of fun chasing it. It must have given a warning spray that night because Sundae shook her nose and huffed alot, but didn't stink. We got her to come in and she avoided being skunked on Saturday night, but on Sunday night Pepe Le'Peu got her bad! She had to sleep outside in her kennel. Then last night I gave her a bath in a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide/Baking Soda/Liquid dish soap. She still doesn't smell like a rose, but it's wayyy better.

I haven't been online hardly at all in the past 10 days or so. It has been such a huge job getting us moved and settled so quickly.

D started first grade last Monday right in the midst of all this chaos. She left for her first day of first grade from the Holiday Inn Express! I've got pictures to prove it, if I could find the chord to upload them, I would.

D is having a ball being a country girl, it's just that she is sooo sensitive to mosquitoes and ant bites that she looks terrible, she's just "eat up with them" as they say here in the boon-docks.

Well, our "month off" from adoption is over. We have decided we will continue on with Russian adoption and that Smolensk will be our region. We haven't yet begun the new round of paperwork, but we'll get to that soon. We will most likely raise our age parameters to 24 months or under and still request a girl.

We got our preliminary drawings from the architect and will have a meeting with the builder to get things moving. I hope that the work will begin in the next week or two on clearing the trees from the land and getting the dirt work started at least. It will be exciting to see the new house get started.

I'm going to go finish making some kitchen curtains. I've gotten the ones done for the back door (which is really the front door) and still need to get the ones finished on the window above the sink. When they parked this mobile home here, they parked the front facing the lake (which really looks more like a swamp to me) and so now you drive up and enter from the back so now it's the front. Did that make any sense??

Sorry I was gone so long. Life has been beyond crazy and now hopefully we'll get back to a bit more normalcy. It's almost like we're playing house. I stored so much stuff that we only have what we need to get by for 6-8 months (which is still A LOT of stuff!) And I'm not worrying about decorating to impress. It's easy to keep clean since we don't have as much stuff!

I'll try not to be so long in posting now.

Glad to be back!

Blogger Calico Sky said...
I am really really happy for you that everything is coming together! I have been thinking about you and wondering what you would decide to do. It sounds great, and it's lovely that you are open to an up to 2 year old, it will be a lovely age gap, big enough they are unique but not too big they can't play!
So happy life is looking up!

Blogger Elle said...
You sound happy. Truly happy. I'm glad you guys are going forward with Russia. I know that is where your heart (and daughter) are.

I'm glad you all got moved and just about settled into your new home for the next few months!

I'm very happy to hear about your adoption decision! I hope things move quickly in that region and look forward to following your updates!

Blogger Unknown said...
Glad to have you back on-line. I have been thinking about you and wondering if you were still packing/unpacking.

Country life must be peacful, really quiet and serene most of the time. (From what I remember, we live in the city now.)

Try tomatoe juice for the skunk smell. I don't have any first hand experience with this, but I heard it works good. Just get the generic kind and pour it all over Sundae. Work it in like shampoo (?) and then rinse. I guess the acid in the tomatoes does something.

Glad to hear that you are moving forward with your adoption. The time off and the move have hopefully given you clear perspective.

Blogger Becky and Keith said...
So glad to have you back! Sounds like things are a whirlwind, but starting to finally settle down. I'm so glad to hear you're continuing on with your adoption! I hope the doggy gets to smelling better - nothing worse then being skunked!

Blogger Troy and Rachel said...
It's great to see you back in the swing!! I am so happy you have decided to continue with the adoption. We wish now we had upped our age parameter also and will next time!! That's so exciting you are looking at the plans and I know you'll have a great time building the house.

Blogger Melissa said...
I too am glad you made the choice to pursue another adoption. I know you will be happy you did. You have a whole cheering section in your corner.

Blogger Deb said...
Glad to hear you're nearly as settled as can be. What a sacrfice for a non-country girl to be living there while you wait for your house to be built. I'm glad that it has all worked out so well.
Hope Sundae is smelling better.
I can just picture D running up to the doublewide and playing. She's such a great kid.

Glad to hear you're ready to start another round of papers.

Blogger jessy said...
It is good to have you back Suz! Seein' as I'z razed country, and ours dawgs always gettin' skunked, let me let you in on a lil sacrit--mater juice!
Seriously, tomato juice will kill the skunk smell.

Blogger Cheri said...
I'm a mom of 3- my 2 daughters we adopted from Irkutsk, Russia.
I'll be keeping up with your process- hope things go smoothly for you!

Blogger A said...
I was thinking about you this morning and was going to email you to see where you all were with the adoption stuff. Glad that you all have made the decision to stick with Russia. I hope things go smoothly with the paperwork.

Blogger JennStar said...
Wow- it sounds like you guys have alot going on!! But that's what makes life fun, right?? I hope you get settled quickly and that it feels like home until the new house if built. I am so excited for you with that journey. Building is very stressful at times but great fun! My husband and his family are home builders here and I lovewatching a new house start from the gound up and see all of the features that each family chooses for their new home.Enjoy the process!!
And I'm even more excited that you are starting the process again. God will lead you to the child that He has designed since the beginning of time to be yours. I claim that for you in Jesus' name! And to that I say AMEN!

I'm glad you are back and settling in. I'm happy to hear you are continuing to pursue your daughter in Russia. You are so strong and sound like you are doing well. I'll stay tuned for more! :)

Blogger Chris Goeppner said...
We are glad you are back too! I knew you must have been busy with your move. I'm glad to hear you are finally in to your temporary home now. I'm also thrilled to hear that you have decided to continue to adopt from Russia. I'm praying that the wait is not too long for you.

Blogger Lea said...
Glad to hear you guys are getting settled in. I'm sure that's a relief. Hope your new house comes along well.

Blogger Susan&Wayne said...
So happy you are proceeding ahead with the adoption of your daughter from Russia. She is there waiting for you. I know from personal experience that sometimes this drastic change happens to change OUR perspective on a referral. We ended up with a child much older than what we originally talked about....but we KNOW he was meant to be our son!! Our hearts just needed to be changed, and our minds needed to be more open. Our prayers are with you!

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