First Trip - part one
Monday, May 01, 2006
We had 11 days notice before we had to leave for our first trip. This was actually more than we ever had with our first adoption. With our first adoption we had 8 days notice before the first trip and 6 days notice before the second trip!

However, within this 11 days notice, we had to get new medicals done with the new 8 doctor form. We hardly had time to even think about the reason we were going crazy trying to get ready for this trip in the first place - a child was waiting!! It was very hectic and very stressful. We didn't even pack the first item until about 36 hours before we left the house!! I usually begin packing the minute I learn we are scheduled to travel!!

We made the 3 hour drive to Dallas the night before our 11 a.m. flight on March 1 (two months ago today) to Atlanta so we would be sure and be fresh and ready to go! I just love the feeling when you are finally strapped into the airplane and no matter what, you're on your way! That is the moment I can finally exhale and get into the mind frame of what the trip is all about.

We flew to Atlanta and had about an 1 1/2 hour layover there before getting on the Delta plane heading for Moscow. Let me just interject here, that the only things really good about the Delta flight was that it was direct to Moscow and we didn't crash. It was cram-packed, community movie screens on the ceiling, uncomfy seats & not so great food. As you can see, I was spoiled by Lufthansa on our first adoption trips. But, it was important to hubby that we make the direct flight from US soil to Russian soil since we were traveling with D. I'm really, really, really trying to talk him into going Lufthansa this next trip. I doubt I'll win, though and we'll be on that Delta flight again. Oh well, it's just 15 hours out of my life - I will survive.

Ok, I digressed a bit, didn't I?!?

We arrived in Moscow at 10:45 a.m. on Thursday, March 2 to lots and lots of snow. We were really impressed though at how well the roads were cleared and people were driving as if the snow was not even there! In East Texas if it snows a smidgen of an inch the world shuts down! D was mesmerized by the snow and looked so precious all bundled in her pink snow attire!

We were taken to the Mir hotel. Wait - Let me first tell you that we ended up spending way to much time in Moscow. We had originally planned to arrive in Moscow Saturday afternoon, but between a little miscommunication with an agency rep. (our usualy guy was out of town) and in order to get the direct Delta flight........

Ok, we were taken to the Mir hotel and got checked in. We were given a suite, I guess since we had our daughter with us they felt we needed a suite? I don't know - she slept between us every night in the pushed together twin beds so we really could have used a much smaller space. But we were just going with the flow.

~~ Pause for a coloring break - Mommy has been on the computer for wayyyy too long this morning and D is really needing some Mommy time :o) ~~
Till later . . .
Blogger Lauri said...
I so agree about delta- they stink, we flew Lufthansa for trip 1 and we were so spoiled by them.

Im so glad you delurked on my blog because I love reading other people stories

Take care

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